Norec can be useful for the business sector
3. July 2024Norec provides support for companies to send young employees on work exchanges to a partner organization in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.
The grant from Norec is used to finance the exchange of young employees. The scheme is flexible and can be used in various ways:
- Jan Martin at DDFinance used the grant to recruit skilled workers for his start-up.
- The Norwegian company Techbridge Invest believes the grant is a win-win for everyone involved.
Curious about the scheme? Click here to learn more about the grant and how it can help your business
“We support businesses, organisations, and institutions that want to actively work towards the sustainability goals,” says Tehetena Woldemariam, head of the business section at Norec.
The work exchange takes place between Norway and countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Companies have the opportunity to send employees to partner organisations in other countries for a period of six to twelve months.
Improving workplaces
Norec has over 60 years of experience in facilitating successful international work placements. Norec has documented that experience from exchanges can lead to better work processes, innovation, and a stronger culture of learning and development.
“Employees gain valuable international experience and new perspectives. When they return after the exchange, they bring back new knowledge and skills that benefit the entire organisation,” says Tehetena Woldemariam at Norec.

Norec kan hjelpe næringslivet
Berekraftsmåla, eller 2030-agendaen, er ein verdsomspennande arbeidsplan for å utrydde fattigdom, motverke ulikskap og stoppe klimaendringane innan 2030. For å nå desse måla, trengst det nye former for partnarskap mellom offentlege og private aktørar.
Her kan Norec vere ei viktig brikke.
– Målet med å støtte utveksling i næringslivet er at dei lærer av andre aktørar, og blir betre i stand til å utvikle løysingar for å møte dei globale utfordringane. Næringslivet har både evner og ansvar til å bidra til ei berekraftig framtid, seier Woldemariam.
Eit utvekslingsprosjekt støtta av Norec kan gjerast på fleire måtar. Dette får ein moglegheit til å utforske saman med ein rådgivar i Norec i ei forundersøking.